Thursday, 27 November 2008

Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Right this a brand new cartoon series from the already brimming franchise of Batman. At first glance you think you've dropped through a time warp and are watching the original cartoon from way back in the day, you're not, bear with it it does improve......honestly. ;-)
Basically in every episode Batman teams up with another hero from the DC universe and that makes up the episode. So far the Man himself has teamed up with the blue beetle, Plastic-Man and a brief glimpse of the Green Lantern. Although these 3 ( Green lantern not so much ) are lesser known heroes the stories are entertaing and more than enjoyable to watch...
Roll on the 3rd episode and lets hope the series continues as it started cos if it does ima one happy bunny. ;-)


Gareth said...

you forgot to mention that its as damn chessy as the Adam West version lololololol

Digitalspirit said...

It does appear to be a rather tongue in cheek adaptation. Unfortunately as a Batman fan myself, I prefer the far grittier and adult universe portrayed in graphic novels like The Dark Knight Returns and Killing Joke, obviously carried on in Chris Nolan's big screen adaptations. This is an insult to the franchise imo.

HiN3 said...

Have you actually seen this? i only ask cos i shared much the same views but after watching, granted it woz just to fill in 20 minutes while i was bored, but my opinion changed in the first 5 minutes. Don't be shy give it a try....and while you're at it, more Knight Rider tomorrow/ ;-)