Thursday 27 November 2008


I love this show, it's had it's ups and downs, but still keeps me entertained and now with an ending in sight and with two final seasons to go, the story has really picked up and is going somewhere, with none of the fillers of the previous seasons. I think most people know about it, so there's no point in going into description, but it's a show that shaped many others around it at the time. Luckily it hasn't suffered the same drop in quality as much as these other shows, especially as it has an expiration date, the producers can conclude it properly. Looking forward to seeing what the hell it's all actually about in the end!

1 comment:

HiN3 said...

I quite happily take or leave Lost TBH. i used to watch it religiously but just fell out of the habit.The wife still watches it and often i find myself peeping over her shoulder ( much to her annoyance ;-) ) but, i have no desire to watch an episode on my own.