Thursday 27 November 2008


This is a series about a young actor called Vinnie Chase and his buddies Eric, Drama (his brother) and Turtle and the highs and lows they experience in Hollywood as Vinnie tries to make it as a grade A actor. The show is pretty pointless and doesn't really follow any set storyline, but the reason I enjoy watching it so much is because it is really funny, some of the scrapes and situations the boys get involved in from week to week are brilliant. The comedy highlight has to come from Vinnie's agent Ari Gold, played by Jeremy Piven, who has some of the best insults ever to grace the TV and often has me laughing out loud! It's light entertainment at it's best and a real fun show to break the monotony of real life.

1 comment:

Gareth said...

i watched one ep of this, didn't involve me at all, prob coz i just dropped in unannounced. ho hum