Sunday 30 November 2008


Based on the first motion picture and centred around fellow clansman to Connor MacLeod, the series follows Duncan MacLeod and his many adventures through the ages as a 400 year old immortal. If you've seen the movies you know to expect sword play and romance and of course continuity errors abound! But it was a far more entertaining series than the many poor sequels the movie spawned and is a cult series with many fans, myself included. The characters were worth investing in and it had an entertaining six season run which was unfortunately soiled by a very poor final season, cancelled before it could be realised and concluded weakly. It will always have a place in my fandom and I can only hope the reboot of the movie will finally realise some justice to the numerous wasted sequels!

1 comment:

Gareth said...

There can be only one.....oh wait...