Thursday 27 November 2008


Lets start out on a very touchy subject....HEROES. Love it, hate it, once loved it etc. Personally i think this show did hit a bit of a low at the start ( and middle) of season 3 but i feel the last couple of episodes have made up for these poor episodes ( obviously written by someone who hasn't watched the previous 2 seasons). I'm still gonna watch Heroes, partly to see where the fuck it is going and secondly cos Hiro is Da man. ;-)


Digitalspirit said...

When Heroes began it was innovative, original and entertaining. However, the writers and producers have been going round in constant circles ever since the travesty that was season 2 and it doesn't seem to have recovered. For me it's in a downward spiral and I think it's time the plug was pulled on it.

Gareth said...

Heroes is the perfect example of how to fuck up a good idea...nuff said