Monday, 1 December 2008

Film: Transporter 3

Time for sum film stuffs.
It was said that Luc Besson wrote the plot to Transporter 2 on the back of a beer mat, well I guess this time it was the back of a postage stamp.

If you were in the club that thought Transporter 1 was a good film, let down by cutting out most of the good martial sciences, then you’ll be asking for a refund on that subscription. Transporter 3, more like Wastespotting 3, has a plot that barely exists; something about a large yank corporation wanting to dump its waste in France (tbh where else would you dump your waste?) add the kidnapping of some bitch daughter of some twat minister and the transportation of her to nowhere, and you have your film.

So what about the martial sciences I hear you ask, there here, but the choreography its so bad that the camera literally cuts angle on every flex of muscle to hide it, the dialogue sounds like someone threw a dictionary through a shredder then pieced it back together with a chainsaw and the car stunts are so ludicrous they’d look out of place in a Bond movie.

So if you have an hour and a half of your life you want to lose, I suggest you go shit pins, it’ll be far more enjoyable.

1 comment:

Digitalspirit said...

I have to agree, this movie was waste. I actually like Statham as an action star, but the way this movie is filmed is just silly. The martial arts are so unbelievable it's not true. Frank takes on numerous bad guys without getting touched. The whole thing is more like a video game than a movie. Poor.