Monday 1 December 2008


Saw or Bore? The original Saw is still by far the best of this ever deteriorating franchise, as it was fairly original and had a good twist, the sequels are poor imitations bourne out of greed and the audience ever wantant need for violence, as we know, money talks and bullshit walks and by this measure this is walking tall! It only seems to lose a few million each sequel, so of course Lionsgate continue to churn it out on a yearly basis whilst not paying a great deal of attention to the scripts or acting. The movies have become centred around the "traps" and these are obviously a centre piece again, but lets face it, once you've seen one mutilation, you've seen them all, so there are no shocks here unless you are a total lightweight. The fifth movie basically fills in the gaps and backstory and there are five new victims who serve little purpose other than to showcase the latest traps and cowardace of human nature, so it's all filler and no thriller. To this end you may ask why I continue to watch, a mixture of boredom and wanting to find out if Dr. Gordon from the first film will make an appearance (as his story was never concluded) to how it will end (if it does!) The sixth (and presumably final) installment is due next Halloween and we can only hope it is the last, although if it makes further monies I'm sure Lionsgate will continue to milk it to the point of being even more ridiculous. I won't hold my breath. 

1 comment:

Gareth said...

I haven't even bothered to watch the first one, let alone the endless sequels. i mean if i wanted to see the suffering and depravity of human nature id just go on a nite out in bolton!